A fun, interactive, and engaging girls’ fellowship surrounding faith, empowerment and beauty.
Our mission is to partner with the Holy Spirit and assist young ladies with their relationship and growth in Christ–giving them a safe, fun and EFFECTIVE environment to share, release, understand and thrive. They will learn to apply God's Word to their lives while existing in this complicated world. We will build the foundation that will empower them to be the confident, feminine Jesus girls that they are called to be, and walk out God's purpose for their lives.
Faith Girl Gatherings is a girls-focused ministry, birthed from a vision the Lord gave and confirmed through prophecy over 10 years ago. Overcoming my own adversities throughout my childhood—from issues with self esteem, rejection, and even abandonment—I understand, empathize and clearly recognize “the mask” that young ladies wear to cover the pain. As an expert in the beauty industry, I have been able to “minister” to women of all ages from behind the chair for over 20 years.
I believe that if we are able to catch, uproot and dismantle “the root causes” of the many adversities that plague our girls now, they will be able to make healthier choices for themselves in every area of their lives in the future. However, the most important relationship they will EVER have is with Jesus Christ. As teens, most may go to church, but do they have a relationship with Christ? Do they know God's promises concerning their lives and what Heaven says about them?
At Faith Girl Gatherings we practically and prophetically deal with an array of issues to help your daughter truly understand who she is in Christ in a fun, interactive, and engaging environment. She will be able to freely share, pray, and fellowship with peers in a safe and Spirit-filled environment. Faith Girl Gatherings is hosted at Salon Ambiance in Livonia, MI.
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About the Founder
Kelli Williams is a wife, mother of four in a blended family, entrepreneur, God-ordained prophet, mentor, passionate intercessor and member of Kingdom Now Apostolic International. She is a genuine friend, lover of all things bling, insists on dancing like nobody's watching and loves to laugh!